NEPA Gives continues on Friday, June 7th with the NEPA Gives Block Party on the 100 block of Wyoming Avenue in Downtown Scranton! Participating nonprofit organizations and their supporters are invited to attend.
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Featuring - Live Entertainment - Food Trucks - Games - NEPA Gives Nonprofit Hub - Fun for All Ages and more!
Register for the June 7th Nonprofit Hub!
As a nonprofit organization participating in NEPA Gives, your organization has an opportunity to apply to participate in the NEPA Gives Nonprofit Hub during the June 7th NEPA Gives block party in downtown Scranton!
There are 20 spaces available.
Cost: $20
Please note that only organizations registered to participate in NEPA Gives 2024 will be considered for space in the Nonprofit Hub.
To have a table at the nonprofit hub, interested nonprofit organizations must first apply.