Life of a GWB Chamber Intern: “The Story of Mariah Curtis”

Mariah has a deep appreciation for Wilkes University, because it has challenged her and opened many doors for her to pursue and create her future career. Mariah has always been passionate about school, but, for some time, she found it hard to be passionate about her choice in a marketing career and even took time off from school after her third year. When Mariah decided to return to school, she turned to Wilkes University to continue her academic journey. “After I took time off from school, I was able to do some self-reflection. This was the best decision of my life because I finally feel comfortable in my career choice,” says Mariah. “I've done more in the last two semesters at Wilkes then I have in my entire college career.”
Mariah is also passionate about her family and empowering others to be their best selves. This is one of the reasons why Wilkes University is a great fit for her as well. “I love Wilkes because everyone I've met so far is extremely empowering and encouraging,” she says.
Traveling, cooking, meeting new people, and spending time with friends are some of Mariah’s many interests. She hopes to cliff-jump in Greece, or work in a foreign country. She even entertains the idea of having a Doctorate degree and being referred to as “Dr. Curtis.” However, Mariah is focusing on building her career and completing her bachelor’s degree for now.
After graduation, Mariah would like to have a job in the marketing/advertising field. Although advertising is not her main concentration, it is something that she is highly interested in learning more about. She also enjoys the diversity marketing and advertising, and how it is a field that is always growing and finding new ways and techniques to improve.

Mariah has lived in the Greater Wilkes-Barre area her whole life and wouldn't mind leaving the bird’s nest after she graduates. “I’ve always tried to open as many doors as possible for myself and try to get involved in different projects to gain experience and form a larger network,” she says. “I'm excited to apply to different jobs in different parts of the world and see where the wind takes me.”
Mariah has overcome hardships and found the motivation to continue her professional career by pushing herself. She also consults a quote by George Addair, which says, “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” Mariah encourages everyone to do something that they are afraid of, because facing those fears will make them stronger.
“In the last year I feel I’ve grown immensely as an adult, and I feel more confident than I ever have. I'm excited about the future and what it has in store for me,” says Mariah.
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