2022 DEI Forum
Tuesday, April 12, 2022 (8:30 AM - 4:15 PM) (EDT)
Join us for our third annual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Forum, presented by the Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council and in partnership with our regional chambers!
This year, we will be taking what used to be our webinar series and offering a full day of DEI-focused sessions. We will have a wide range of diverse-owned business owners, entrepreneurs, and individuals who have dedicated themselves to building diversity, equity, and inclusion practices in their workplaces and in the communities as our 2022 session speakers. Expect to hear about topics covering safe space creation, inclusive leadership development, how to talk about race, microaggressions in the workplace, implicit bias in healthcare, affirming language in the workplace, and improving a LGBTQ+ affirming and inclusive culture for your business.
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM: Virtual Networking
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM: Welcome and Conference Kickoff
9:30 AM - 10:15 AM: Breakout Session 1 (Pick one session to attend)
Session: Embracing the Rainbow: Exploring Ways for Businesses to Improve Their Affirming and Inclusive Culture for Their LGBTQ+ Community
Speaker: Michalene Davis (Reproductive Health Educator, Maternal and Family Health Services)
Description: Join MFHS was we embrace the rainbow to create a more welcoming, inclusive and affirming culture for our colleagues, clients and community who identify as LGBTQ. Through examining SOGIE (sexual orientation, gender identity and expression), participants will recognize LGBTQ identities and concerns the community faces to begin to unpack ways to enhance our own affirming environment. MFHS will share our progress to improve our policies and practices, offering suggestions for both quick and easy changes that can be implemented immediately as well as practices to grow over time. Participants will leave with practicable suggestions to affect change in their business as well as resources to continue the work.
Session: Microaggressions in the Workplace
Speaker: Leon John (Consultant/DEI Practioner, The Lead On Team, LLC)
Description: An overview of how micro-aggressive behavior can affect your workers negatively.
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM: Stretch Break
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM: Breakout Session 2 (Pick one session to attend)
Session: Creating a Safe Space for Children and Teens
Speakers: Dan Pittman (Artistic Director, Act Out Theatre Group, LLC) and Kalen Churcher (Education Center Director, Act Out Theatre Group, LLC)
Description: Tips and tricks to create a safe space for children and teens of diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and sexual orientations.
Session: Talking About Race Might be Easier Than You Think
Speakers: Dan Kimbrough (Owner/DEI Consultant, Park Multimedia) and Erica Acosta (Director of Diversity Initiatives, Wilkes University)
Description: Race is often thought of as a difficult and awkward conversation. Emotions run high and all parties want to be heard and understood, which usually leads to defensiveness and shutting down. So how do we have a constructive conversation, that while difficult, will leave us and those we work, live, and connect with, in a better place?
11:15 AM - 11:30 AM: Stretch Break
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Get Involved Info Session with Our Area's DEI Nonprofits
Description: Learn from several of our area's nonprofits focused on DEI efforts about their mission and how to get involved.
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch Break
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Keynote Speaker
Session: So You Want to Fit DEI&J in Your Life
Speaker: Lia Richards-Palmiter (Director for the Office of Diversity Efforts, Marywood University)
Description: Participants will discuss issues as they relate to their self awareness of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice concepts and behavior. Participants will integrate aspects of their self awareness into their active community engagement skillset.
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM: Stretch Break
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM: Breakout Session 3 (Pick one session to attend)
Session: Implicit Bias in Healthcare
Speaker: Troy Lewis (Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Wilkes University - Nesbitt School of Pharmacy)
Description: This presentation will discuss the consequences of implicit bias in healthcare, how to address it, and how community health partnership is key to drive health equity.
Session: People with Intellectual Disabilities Can Lead Too
Speakers: Frank Bartoli (President/CEO, NEPA Inclusive), Jeffery Mazur (Board of Directors, NEPA Inclusive), Ellie Bartoli (Co-Chair, Campaign for Inclusion)
Description: Learn how NEPA Inclusive created leadership opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, how they are leading, and why it is important to include them.
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM: Stretch Break
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM: Breakout Session 4 (Pick one session to attend)
Session: Affirming Language in the Workplace
Speaker: Jacob Kelley (Queer Inclusive Sex Educator, Mx. Kelley Queer Education)
Description: This presentation is an overview of how workplaces can be more inclusive to people of the transgender, nonbinary, or gender-diverse community. The goal of the presentation is to how to affirm a person’s gender identity, the importance of using pronouns and other gender-neutral languages correctly, and to think about what practices can be put into the workplace. Mx. Kelley is a queer-inclusive sex educator, and the Director of Workplace culture for the Community Action Association of Pennsylvania. They are currently a Ph.D. student at Widener University studying Human Sexuality Philosophy and wish to listen with an open mind during this presentation.
Session: Lead by Example: Making Your Team Culture Diverse and Inclusive
Speaker: Dorothy Grill (Workforce Initiative Coordinator, ACE NEPA)
Description: When individuals think about diversity, it is usually to view it as something that is visual. But as a leader it encompasses so much more. In order for teams to be successful in the workplace there must be a culture of diversity and inclusion. By studying your company and team through the lens of culture and challenging the status quo, the leader shows the value of diverse voices and creates a welcoming environment. This idea of creating such a work culture will create strong teams that can accomplish goals and problem solve as a strong unit.
4:00 PM - 4:15 PM: Closing Remarks
4:15 PM: Conference Close
Presenting Sponsor
This event is FREE to attend. Registration is required to join.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion